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Cammarata -San Giovanni Gemini

Your next destination in Sicily in the Sicani mountains

A mountain of excellence
Studio Mangiapane - Farina

It is the best choice, we are sure.

Studio Mangiapane - Farina


Studio Mangiapane - Farina is a highly professional and reliable consultancy centre, led by Dr. Ilenia Mangiapane, employment consultant specialized in a wide range of services, including family allowances, unemployment and mobility, pensions, permits and grants, income support and much more. Dr. Mangiapane offers her expertise and vast experience to assist her clients at every stage of their professional and personal lives, providing a complete and personalized service.

Completing the team of professionals is Dr. Elena Farina, social security consultant specializing in income, model 730, rental contracts, real estate property change declaration, ISEE - social bonuses, citizenship income, RED, INPS models, family assistance , succession declaration, transcription services, land registry services, tax litigation, services to accountants and SPID credentials. Dr. Farina offers a wide range of services to assist her clients in every phase of their professional and personal life, with great competence and professionalism.

In summary, Studio Mangiapane - Farina is a highly professional consultancy centre, which offers a wide range of legal and social security consultancy services. The team of experts provides personalized and comprehensive advice to help its clients manage their businesses effectively and efficiently. Their innovative approach, their vast experience and their great expertise make Studio Mangiapane - Farina an ideal choice for those looking for a reliable and efficient consultancy service.

Studio Mangiapane - Farina


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San Giovanni Gemini
Studio Mangiapane - Farina

Utente Supporter

Studio Mangiapane - Farina

Trust the experience of qualified professionals, complete and personalized advice!

0922 070527

Via Palermo, 22, San Giovanni Gemini, AG, Italia

Mon - Sat 9.30am - 7.30pm
Sun Closed


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