The British Centre
Learn English in Cammarata and San Giovanni Gemini

The British Center Cammarata - San G. Gemini has been operating in the area for 15 years for the promotion and dissemination of the English language which is essential today for undertaking any profession.
The primary objective is to obtain Cambridge certification recognized throughout the world.
We offer courses for children and teenagers (aged 6 to 18), university and post-university students, adults and professionals.
The courses are taught by highly qualified native speakers with proven professional experience and the results achieved by our students have always been excellent.
We as an association offer courses for teachers.
We are waiting for you from Monday to Friday from 3.30pm to 7.00pm
Free English proficiency level assessment test.
Free trial lesson.
We organize language internships and study holidays.
Experience, quality and professionalism at the service of our community.
5 Good reasons to learn English
Even if English is not the most widespread language in the world (the record is held by Mandarin Chinese), it is certainly the most useful and universal. Learning English will allow you to communicate in – almost – all places on the globe and will give you a hand in many situations and in numerous areas. If, therefore, you are planning a trip, it is time to start immediately: asking for information, purchasing tickets and booking a hotel will be as easy as drinking a glass of water!
English can give a decisive boost to your professional profile and will help you find a job abroad, even if you don't know the language of the destination country. Nowadays, almost everyone masters English, at least at a basic level: it is a real point of contact between different working realities and we assure you that it will open your horizons. Start now: writing your CV will only be the first step.
Among the reasons for learning English, we also find its relative simplicity. We Italians are used to a grammar full of exceptions, rules and peculiarities and we all remember well our teacher who scolds us because we have made yet another grammatical error. Learning English, in comparison, will seem much faster and more linear... and we assure you that there will be no teacher ready to beat you up!
Are you still wondering “why should I learn English beyond its objective usefulness?”. So combine business with pleasure and also think about your hobbies: if you love cinema and music, for example, learning English will allow you to enjoy films in the original version and understand song lyrics. There is nothing better to fully appreciate the quality of the acting and the poetry of the words written by your favorite singer.
Why learn English? Simple: our daily life is literally invaded by borrowed words... think, for example, of the world of the internet! Wouldn't it be interesting to really know the meaning of those words we use without even realizing it, such as "browser", "web" and "link"? Among the reasons for learning English, therefore, there is also this goal: a complete and total understanding of our everyday life.

Contact us
Piazza della Vittoria, 15, 92022 Cammarata AG, Italia
389 197 8417