Feast of the Tumarrano valley
Blessed Virgin Immaculate
1st week of June
Celebration program

The Borgo Callea
Borgo Callea is a type "A" village. The final project involved the construction of ten buildings: school, post office and carabinieri barracks, health center, church and rectory, offices of the Authority, shops, accommodation of the podestar's delegate, meeting room, headquarters of the PNF and restaurant and resale. The layout of the village is based on two squares interconnected by an avenue along which there are several buildings. Even Borgo Lupo and, as we will see, Borgo Caracciolo base their structure on two interconnected squares, but while in these the separation is purely functional (bureaucratic-commercial in Borgo Lupo, main square and rural square in Borgo Caracciolo), Ajroldi seems to want to emphasize the separation of political power from religious power, a theme that has been dealt with several times in the context of the architecture of the twenty-year period. Each of the two squares has a separate access from the reclamation road, while another road axis, parallel to the main avenue, runs along the southern edge of the village. The westernmost entrance leads to the main square; along the access road, the two symmetrical buildings were to be found, which were not built. To the right are the schools, which consist of a rectangular building, with the major axis perpendicular to the axis of the access road.
The part of the building that delimits the square to the Northwest is spread over two elevations, and has a portico on the ground floor. Beyond the square there is the wing that houses the classrooms and develops on a single elevation. The west fifth of the square is made up of the building used as a restaurant and resale.
It has an articulated development, with a rectangular plan and on two elevations the part that overlooks the square, with an "L" -shaped wing that detaches from the rear elevation and which would have housed the kitchen, oven and stable. occupied by the “municipal house” which originally would have included the Casa del Fascio, the podestar's delegation, the lictorian tower and the meeting room. The building, with an "L" plan just mentioned, is entirely on one floor, with the major axis parallel to the edge of the square at the east end stands the lictorian tower, which is spread over three elevations Connected to the latter by an arch would have been the hall of gatherings, also with a rectangular plan, but with a major axis orthogonal to that of the municipal house.
The entrance to the avenue leading to the second square is located on the eastern edge of the square. Along the avenue, to the south of it, the medical clinic, the shops and the offices of the institution are lined up. All the buildings that rise along the avenue develop on two elevations. The doctor's office is rectangular in plan, with the two axes that differ little in length. Originally the building was supposed to house the podestà's delegate; the intended use was changed later.

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The agricultural festival in Cammarata
This festival takes place in Borgo Callea also called the festival of tumarrano, which is a small fraction of the municipality of Cammarata, on the day of Ascension and the Blessed Immaculate Virgin is celebrated.
The festival usually focuses on milk derivatives (first of all bovine, but also pecorino),
In the last year he explains Dino Zimbardo, vice president of the cultural and religious association BMV Immacolata - we have set ourselves an ambitious goal: to make sure that it becomes, in addition to a religious holiday, also an agricultural and gastronomic event are not for the inhabitants of the place and a call for curious visitors of the peasant culture and the typical products of an area that is the second cereal-zootechnical center after that of Ragusa ».
So Borgo Callea focuses everything on farmers, the fair of machinery and accessories for agriculture and that of typical local products for gourmands.