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Cammarata -San Giovanni Gemini

Your next destination in Sicily in the Sicani mountains

A mountain of excellence
San Giovanni Gemini mountain fair

This was 2019

In 2019, the godmother of the event was Licia Colò, an activist always with a smile on her face committed to safeguarding the planet; in fact, the fil rouge of these three days was the environment. The television presenter, present together with Alessandro Antonino and the troupe of the television program “Il Mondo Insieme” of TV 2000, told, through a documentary made in early December, the heart of the Sicani Mountains; focusing in particular on the municipalities of: Bivona, Cammarata, Castronovo di Sicilia, Lercara Friddi, Palazzo Adriano, Prizzi, San Giovanni Gemini, Santo Stefano Quisquina. Moments of great interest were also the “Presentation of the Environmental Charter of the Municipalities of the Sicani Mountains”, by the mayors of the Sican area; “Making the Impossible Possible - Workshop of freedom of thought, creative magic and creative recycling for children”, by SOU - School of Architecture for Children - Farm Cultural Park, Favara; talk shows, walks and tutorials. Many tastings that have made known the goodness of our hinterland which, devoted to agricultural and livestock activities, allows animals to graze in organically cultivated land, feed on cheeses produced for the most part by the same livestock farms, grow healthily and healthy, in compliance with EU directives, so as to produce very sweet milk and rare cheeses: caciocavallo and provola, ainuzzi, smoked panuzzo, primosale, pecorino canestrato and ricotta. In addition to the production of meat, milk and cheeses, the local economy is characterized by the production of extra virgin olive oil, preserves, fruit, jams and honey.

cammarata visit
program 2019 mountain fair
San Giovanni Gemini mountain fair

For the period of the immaculate conception

Not just fair, 

find out what to do a
San Giovanni Gemini and Cammarata

There are various activities that can be carried out in our municipalities, dozens of restaurants that deal with the products of the Sicani mountains, guaranteeing very high quality at an excellent price, moreover, many places where you can stay among hotels, farmhouses, B&B and holiday homes.
Huge choice of  Shops, night clubs  available in the heart of the city, as well as the beauty of the territory itself with its majestic Mount Cammarata which dominates sovereign.

Sican mountains
sicani mountains cammarata

The ideal territory for top-quality products  made in Italy quality

Discover "a mountain of" cheeses of excellence ", the section that we have dedicated to our great dairy heritage in Cammarata and San Giovanni Gemini, find the description of the various cheeses and much more.
Sican mountains

2021 program


dove dormire

Every year the great event in the Sicani mountains

The lively fair of San Giovanni Gemini - Cammarata is a real workshop of flavors and knowledge that brings together the flower of skills, products and innovations in the agri-food and artisanal field, to outline the present and the future of the mountain territory. Through exhibitions, panels, workshops, goliardic moments of entertainment for every age group and tutorials, the best of the territory is described to those who do not yet know it.

pecorino cammarata

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