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Cammarata -San Giovanni Gemini

Your next destination in Sicily in the Sicani mountains

A mountain of excellence
convento dei cappucini san giovanni gemini

Convento dei Cappuccini
San Giovanni Gemini

conveno cappuccini san giovanni gemini

The church and the convent

Constructed in 1572 by the command of Duke Ercole Branciforti and completed shortly thereafter, the building has undergone multiple restorations throughout the 1600s. Before the enactment of the Napoleonic code, it served as a burial site, with numerous tombs still present. The interior boasts a canvas, added in 1677, depicting the Madonna flanked by Saints Francis and Lucio on the high altar. Additionally, visitors can admire a finely crafted wooden tabernacle, the work of an unnamed artist. Over time, the convent was enhanced with a library and an array of paintings by the renowned Capuchin artist, Fra Fedele da San Biagio — real name Matteo Sebastiano Palermo Tirrito, born in SB Platani on January 18, 1717, and passed away in Palermo on August 9, 1801.

Capuchin convent

The convent church is  open to the public, It is located in  Kennedy square. Large parking area in front.

Monday 08.00
from Tuesday to Friday at 18.30
Festive mass hours: 6.30 pm

Reference: Capuchin Friars

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