Dear friends, the desire to make this special dessert for the Easter period, there are plenty of names in Sicily, who calls them Cannilera, who cuddura cu l'ova , in short, you can't even count them all because it's a bit everyone's recipe, we at Cammarata and San Giovanni Gemini make it super down like this:
500 gr. made with flour;
125 gr. of lard;
150 gr. of sugar;
2 eggs;
1/2 glass of water;
5 gr. of ammonia for sweets; (It can be replaced by chemical yeast, using double the weight indicated in the recipe.)
6 hard-boiled eggs;
coral or chocolate drops
Mix the flour, gradually adding the water, lard, sugar and ammonia (which will make the biscuit rise in the oven) and then the eggs.
Then divide the dough into suitable portions to shape your biscuit and indulge yourself in creating tools, animals, chubby bellies, etc. Don't forget to put the eggs with the skin inside them.
Then decorate them with coral and bake them until they acquire a characteristic gilding. Don't let them burn! As soon as you smell an incredible smell and see them swell, stand in front of the oven and check them step by step (especially if it is the first time you prepare them).
Note. About 15 minutes of cooking. Oven pre-heated to 200 degrees.